Mini Led 40 Light, Warm White -= 16’L

$8.99 price excluding tax

Mini Led 40 Light, Warm White -= 16’L – COPPER WIRE, W/REMOTE

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SKU: 885673731020 Category:


Mini Led 40 Light, Warm White -= 16’L – COPPER WIRE, W/REMOTE. This 20 mini LED light set is battery operated with a remote. You can decorate a small tree, wreath add interest to other decor with these lights. This light set includes the added option of setting a timer for “on” and “off” times. This eliminates the worry of forgetting to turn on the wreath or at the end of the day shutting it off! Since the lights are battery operated, you will save money by not using electricity and time by not having to deal with setting up power cords! The remote also has 8 different functions for light control!. Manufacturer Product Number #: LL600230

Additional information

Weight 0.05 lbs
